PAN BON (Caribbean)

  • Flour 6 cups
  • Vanilla 1 tablespoon
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 teaspoon of nutmeg
  • Dry Yeast 2 tablespoons
  • Fruit Sugar ½ cup
  • Brown Sugar ½ cup
  • Raisins ½ cup
  • Oil ½ cup

Yeast is added to 2 glasses of hot water and 1 glass of flour is added to it and left at room temperature for 3 hours. Take brown sugar in a pan. Add 1 ½ cups of water and boil it and when the sugar dissolves completely, it is added to the leavened dough. Add the remaining flour, vanilla, oil, nutmeg, fruits and knead until smooth. It is divided into three parts and given a round shape and baked for 30 minutes at 352 degrees.


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