Pink Spaghetti


  • Black pepper (1 pinch)
  • Salt (1 Dessert Spoon)
  • Garlic (3 pieces)
  • Onion (1 Piece)
  • Sumac (1 pinch)
  • Sweet Red Pepper (1 pinch)
  • Spaghetti- 1 Pack
  • Carrot (1 Piece)
  • Beet (2 Pieces)
  • Olive oil (1 Tea Cup)

First, peel the beets and carrots. Let's divide it into parts. Then lay greaseproof paper on the baking tray; Let's place the carrots, beets, onions and garlic.

Let's drizzle olive oil on it and bake in the oven at 392 degrees for 20 minutes.

Let's add olive oil and spices to all the vegetables that come out of the oven and pass them through the blender.

Let's boil the pasta. Then, let's take 1 glass of boiled pasta water and add it to the sauce, let's bring together the more pasta and the sauce.


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