Pupusa de Queso Con Loroco ( EL SALVADOR)

Pupusa de queso con loroco is a variation of Salvador cheese pupusa, a thick corn tortilla with a mixture of sticky cheese and finely chopped loroco flower buds. The most traditional type of cheese used for the filling is quesillo, a type of semi-soft feta cheese, but other types of cheese can also be used.

Some of the most common on-demand cheese varieties include queso fresco, mozzarella, cottage cheese, or Monterey Jack. The other key ingredient of the filling is loroco, the edible green buds of Fernaldia pandurata, a flowering vine that thrives in Central America.

Loroco flower buds can be used fresh, frozen or in brine and give pupaas a unique aroma and taste. Once stuffed, cornbread is usually baked in a skillet or grill until it has dark spots on both sides.

Like other types of pupusa, these cheese pupusas are traditionally accompanied by tomato salsa (salsa roja), sauerkraut (Curtisido) and a side of hot pepper sauce. In El Salvador, pupusas are also a popular street snack, often consumed for breakfast or dinner.


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